
صادرات سدر

What do you know about the unique properties of the fruit and leaves of the Zizyphus Spina – Christi  Wild or Sidr tree?


The Sidr tree, also known as Zizyphus Spina – Christi (L) Wild, is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of North Africa and South and Southwest Asia. This tree can be observed in parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, some areas of North Africa, and the Zagros region of Iran. The Sidr tree forms a large part of the vegetation cover of the plains in the provinces of Fars, Ilam, Bushehr, Khuzestan, Kerman, Sistan and Baluchestan, and Hormozgan.

Past societies used the fruit, leaves, and wood of the Sidr tree as a food source, for body washing, animal feed, and fuel for cooking and heating homes.

Physical characteristics of the Sidr tree: It is a tree or shrub that grows 5 to 20 meters tall with dense and compact branches. It has a thick stem with a very cracked and flaky gray to brown bark. The thorny, flexible, hanging, and gray branches are covered all over with small, oval, and shiny leaves. Its small, star-shaped white flowers bloom from early autumn and are very attractive to honey bees, and its honey is of high quality. Also, its small, round fruits, one to five centimeters in size, can be harvested from April to June.

The taste of its ripe fruit is similar to a combination of unripe dates, apples, and jujubes, and it has numerous properties. The leaves and fruit of the Sidr tree become sticky when crushed or chewed. Some refer to the powdered leaves of this tree as Sidr. However, the Sidr tree is considered a coniferous tree and is similar to pine trees. Today, most people recognize the Sidr tree by its name; however, in this article, we prefer to use its local name, the Sidr tree, more often.

In this article, we will first discuss the properties of the delicious and edible fruit of the Sidr tree; then, we will introduce you to the unique benefits of the leaves of this tree for beauty and health of skin and hair.

صادرات سدر

Properties of the Sidr Tree Fruit

The nutritional value of fresh Sidr fruit is equivalent to certain amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, a high percentage of potassium, sodium, vitamin C, zinc, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin K, and D3. The temperament of the Sidr fruit is cold to moderate. Some believe that this fruit should have a cold and dry temperament.

Improving Digestion and Treating Constipation

The Sidr fruit strengthens the stomach and improves the condition of the digestive system. The first sign of eating ripe Sidr fruit is the treatment of constipation, and by improving bowel movements, it helps to quickly expel feces.

Weight Loss and Slimming

Sidr has the highest amount of fiber, which can reduce appetite and create a feeling of fullness in a person. Also, the calorie content of this fruit is low, making it suitable for people who intend to lose weight.

Strengthening Bones and Teeth

This fruit is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and iron. These three important elements help strengthen bone tissues. Also, the amounts of vitamin D3 present in the Sidr fruit strengthen the teeth and help the bones maintain their usual hardness in a natural way.

Useful for sore throat and cough

The jujube fruit is full of the vitamin C needed by the body. Dried or fresh jujube fruit improves sore throat and cough caused by colds and flu. Also, the antibacterial and antiviral properties of this fruit prevent the accumulation of viruses and bacteria in the mouth and throat area.

Blood purification

The saponins and alkaloids present in the jujube fruit play a direct role in blood purification and the elimination of harmful toxins from the body.

Beneficial for diabetes

The ability of the jujube fruit to reduce blood sugar is likely due to the presence of high amounts of Vitamin A, which can regulate the amount of insulin in the liver. Some scientists and doctors believe that the effects of jujube consumption on adiponectin increase the liver’s sensitivity to insulin and reduce the amount of glucose output from the liver.

Prohibited uses of jujube fruit products

Excessive consumption of the jujube fruit can cause severe stomach bloating. Overconsumption of this fruit can lead to diarrhea. The Vitamin K present in the jujube fruit increases the blood concentration of individuals who have a blood clotting problem.

The powdered leaves of the jujube or sidr tree are a miracle of beauty and health for skin and hair.

Based on experiences and experiments, the mask made from powdered leaves of the jujube or sidr tree has had miraculous effects on the beauty and radiance of the skin, and the growth and increase of hair.

صادرات سدر

Elimination of wound and acne marks

The sidr mask is an effective substance in accelerating the healing of wounds and acne on the face. However, if you have deep and prominent scars, you cannot expect this mask to be very effective. But if you have superficial wounds or acne on your face, you will see its effect after three to five uses.

Soft and transparent skin

One of the beauty benefits of this plant is that it brightens the color of the face and makes the skin transparent. For people who have dry skin problems, it is better to add a few drops of olive, coconut, or almond oil to their mask mixture.

skin firming and anti-wrinkle

The jujube leaf is one of the leaves of trees that is referred to as astringent in traditional medicine. This property of jujube causes firmness, stretching, and strengthening of the facial muscles and skin, and removes the skin from sagging.

treatment of inflammation and facial acne

Sidr, with its cooling properties and cold temperament, as well as being antibacterial, helps to alleviate skin inflammations. Perhaps the first effects you will experience from using a Sidr mask or Konar leaf are the elimination of facial pimples and skin brightness. Most pimples resulting from eating hot foods will be resolved with a combination of a sweat mask and Sidr powder.

How to make and use a Konar or Sidr leaf mask for skin

One of the natural face masks that you can use as an exfoliator, brightener, anti-spot, and skin softener is the Sidr plant mask. The temperament of the Sidr or Konar tree leaf powder is cold and moderate, therefore it is suitable for skins that are prone to congestion and redness. After preparing Sidr powder from reputable herbalists, you can mix it with one of these substances such as water, yogurt, sweat, rose water, lemon juice, potato water, almond oil, or castor oil to make the resulting mask take on a doughy and watery state.

First, wash and dry your face; then cover all parts of your face except around the eyes with a sidr mask and massage it with upward circular motions for three minutes. After that, let your skin rest. After 20 minutes, wash your face.

صادرات سدر

People with facial skin that has spots or acne scars can combine a teaspoon of sidr powder and white water powder, mix it with four or five tablespoons of chicory distillate, and apply it to their skin. Perform this procedure twice a week for two months to see the desired result. Of course, after three uses, you will see its effects.

Sidr or jujube leaf paste for hair

Have you ever paid attention to old movies! The people you see in these films all had thick and long hair. Today, due to the use of chemical substances for washing hair and changes in lifestyle and livelihood, most people suffer from hair loss and baldness. In the past, people in the south used jujube tree leaves for washing and bathing.

Due to the chemical compounds present in sidr, it takes on a soap-like quality that is used for body washing. The jujube leaf is very strengthening and strengthens the hair root and prevents hair loss. The sidr plant is anti-inflammatory, anti-dandruff, skin cooling, hair bulb strengthening, hair conditioning, and hair softening.

How to make a hair wash paste from jujube or sidr leaves

صادرات سدر

Obtain sidr powder from reliable herbalists. Then thoroughly mix a cup of this tree’s powdered leaves with two cups of hot water to prevent the sidr powder from clumping and to make it look like soap foam. Wash your hair once a week with this solution. The longer this mixture stays on your head, the better.

After that, rinse your hair. We suggest mixing the sidr powder with a little henna and let it stay on your hair for two to three hours; then wash thoroughly. After repeated and prolonged use, in addition to softening, you will witness better growth and an increase in your hair’s manageability, shine, and volume.

Prohibition of using sidr powder or jujube leaf powder

People with oily and thick hair can use sidr hair paste without any restrictions; however, people with dry skin, narrow hair follicles, and thin hair are advised not to use sidr. This mixture is more suitable for people whose temperament is warm and dry or warm and wet.

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