
Import of tappet
واردات استکان تایپیت
Import of tappet

Tata Trading Company import of tappet for various types of vehicles

The tappet, recognized as a key component in the valve mechanism of an automobile engine, plays a vital role in the accurate and proper functioning of the valves. In engines that utilize an overhead valve system, the tappet, also known as the valve lifter, is responsible for transferring the precise and regular movement of the cam lobes to the tappet rod. This motion transfer process allows the valves to open and close at specific times with high precision.

In some engines equipped with an overhead camshaft, the movement of the cam lobes is directly transferred to the valve stem through the tappet without any intermediary, which helps reduce the number of moving parts and consequently decreases the likelihood of failure. Whereas in other overhead camshaft engines, this movement is transferred to the valve stem through an intermediary piece called a rocker arm, which also has its own advantages.

Different Types of Tappet

  • Mechanical Tappet Shim

In the mechanical tappet system, force is transferred to the valves through a cam follower that has a rod-like and cylindrical shape. This precisely made cam follower, designed for force transmission, plays a vital role in the accurate functioning of the valves. Although setting this type of tappet system is a bit more complex than its hydraulic counterpart, it is possible with precision and patience. The tappet, made of special cast iron, is designed to withstand the pressure and wear from constant contact with the camshaft. This durable material ensures that the tappet maintains its performance even under high operating conditions and temperatures. The placement of the shim within the circular holes in the cylinder head must be carefully adjusted to ensure that the valves move as optimally as possible. These precise adjustments optimize engine performance and contribute to the longevity of the parts.

  • Hydraulic Tappet

In the hydraulic tappet system, force is transferred to the valves through oil pressure supplied by the oil pump, via a rocker arm. This force transfer process, which occurs using pressurized oil, increases the efficiency and quality of the system’s performance. The use of hydraulic tappets not only reduces the noise caused by part wear but also minimizes the need for frequent clearance adjustments of the valve actuation system.

The pressurized oil, after passing through the oil pump, enters the main oil channel and eventually reaches the lifters. This main channel, which runs throughout the engine body, directs oil into the tappet through oil inlets in the tappet body and internal piston when the valve closes. The oil pressure opens the check valve, and oil flows into the space beneath the piston. As a result, the piston rises and exerts pressure on the tappet rod to eliminate all clearance in the valve actuation system. This process ensures that no noise is generated when the camshaft lifts the tappet, as the hydraulic tappet compensates for the clearance and prevents noise.

The tappet, situated in its chamber and position, experiences an up-and-down movement. This movement, essential for transferring force from the tappet rod to the valves, must be precisely adjusted to match the engine’s needs. Improper adjustment can lead to excessive wear of the part, which not only damages the tappet but can also harm the camshaft and other engine components. Therefore, regular and precise maintenance of these parts is essential for maintaining optimal engine performance and extending its lifespan.

واردات استکان تایپیت

What are the symptoms of a faulty tappet?

If the tappet is faulty, you may observe the following symptoms:

  • Loud noise from the engine area, usually heard as hammering or tapping.
  • Decreased engine performance, as the tappet cannot properly synchronize with the camshaft.
  • Increased fuel consumption, because incorrect valve settings can lead to inefficient engine operation.
  • Exhaust smoke, which can indicate a leak or burning oil in the combustion chamber.

If you experience such symptoms, it is recommended to take your vehicle to a reputable repair shop for inspection and repair. These issues can affect the overall performance of the vehicle and may cause damage to other parts if not addressed.

Signs of a Healthy Tappet

A healthy tappet in a vehicle has the following signs:

  • No unusual noise: No tapping or hammering sounds are heard from the engine area.
  • Smooth engine performance: The engine operates evenly and without vibration.
  • Optimal fuel consumption: Fuel consumption is at a normal and reasonable level.
  • Normal exhaust smoke: The exhaust smoke is without any unusual color or the strong smell of burnt oil.

If your vehicle has these conditions, it indicates the health of the tappet and proper valve adjustment. However, to ensure the overall health of the vehicle, it is recommended to perform regular maintenance and servicing.

Import of tappet

For the import of tappet and various types of spare parts, including spare parts for domestic and foreign vehicles, contact Tata Trading Company. Our connections with various companies around the world ensure that we provide you with the best and highest quality spare parts from different brands, bringing you a profitable and easy business experience.